Thursday, January 27, 2011

Starting the journey to Fit and Fabulous Jess

Hello to all my fellow Clean Eater and fitness friends! I decided that I was going to make the commitment to eat clean and exercise today! So I thought it would be best for me to blog ( when I can I have 2 boys ages 1 year and 1 month!) about my journey. So I invite you to share with me, encourage one another to Fit and Fabulous!


  1. Hi Jess! Welcome to blogland! I'm so glad you decided to make a commitment today, one that will change your life forever.
    Congrats on your 2 new bundles of joy.

    I look forward to watching your progress, if you need anything, please holler!!!


    p.s. Yay, I'm your first follower!!

  2. Hi Jess, thanks for stopping by my blog. Looking forward to reading your journey and success story. Good luck!@!!

  3. Hi Jess,

    Came across your blog today and I want to tell you that you can reach your goal!!! I never thought it was possible for me and with exercise and a new healthy way of eating I over 40 pounds in 7 months! The journey wasn't easy but it was well worth it! I love the new me!!!!

    Come visit my blog at
    Let's inspire each other!

